As well as helping us unwind, sport helps us develop stronger bodies and better health.
Sport For Life
Fun, health, developing skills or winning medals. Whatever the reasons for getting into sport, we want people to enjoy as many of its benefits as possible.

Supports health

Improves activity
In an increasingly inactive world, sport gives us the motivation and support to help physical activity become a regular habit.

Develops skills
Sport can keep young people engaged at school and beyond, helping them develop and learn how to communicate, lead and work in teams.

Strengthens communities
Sport reduces loneliness and antisocial behaviour and makes people feel more connected to their community.

Helps the economy
Sport supports productivity and reduces health expenditure, while also boosting employment and tourism.
Even if people don’t take part in sport, they can still enjoy these benefits, both in their communities and across Scotland as a whole.
Our Vision
An active Scotland where everyone benefits from sport.
In an active Scotland we will all find ways to be physically active every day. Keeping moving at home and at work. Taking an active approach to getting around. Choosing to be active in our leisure time.
More of us will take part in sport because we see it being relevant to our lives. Being involved in ways that suit us. Meeting fewer barriers. Feeling more included.
We will all experience more of the benefits of sport. For some of us, by taking part. For others, through our communities.
Our Mission
We’re here to help the people of Scotland get the most from the sporting system. Here are just a few ways we do it:
Our Assets
We want people to make the most of Scotland’s many excellent sporting assets to get active and involved in sport. These include:

Talented people
At the heart of our sporting system are the thousands of staff and volunteers who help others take part and progress across the club, community, performance, schools and education environments.

Fantastic facilities
There are many places to play sport and get active. From local halls to international venues, these facilities help everyone enjoy sport at every level, and attract world class events to Scotland.

Exceptional environment
Scotland’s water, air, mountains and countryside play host to a huge range of sports and activities, with everyone welcome to enjoy the great outdoors and access it responsibly.
We believe in a world class sporting system that makes the best use of these assets so people can take part in sport at the level they choose.
Our Approach
To help us deliver the many benefits of sport to everyone in Scotland, we’re guided by six key principles. Scroll over a word to discover more.
We understand the barriers people face and proactively address them so everyone has the opportunity to get involved in sport and physical activity.
We plan well, we measure our performance and we are accountable for delivering outcomes.
We adapt what we do based on how we’re doing and what’s happening around us.
We listen to people and put their voices at the heart of our thinking.
We develop and strengthen partnerships and collaborations across the public, voluntary and private sectors.
World class
World class
We do everything to the highest possible standard, while seeking to continuously improve.
Playing Our Part
As the national agency for sport our role is to make sure sport plays its part in a thriving Scotland.
We have an important part to play alongside other agencies to deliver an active Scotland where more people are more active more often. To do this we are funded by Scottish Government and the National Lottery and we report through Scottish Ministers to the Scottish Parliament.
An active Scotland is one where people are encouraged to participate, progress and achieve in sport. At the same time people become more active – and stay active. The nation enjoys better physical confidence and competence and increased wellbeing and resilience. All of this is made possible by the people, places and spaces providing sport and physical activity.

Sport For Life: a vision for sport in Scotland.